1508 Sylvia Lane
East Meadow, NY 11554
Phone: 516-946-2088
Tuesday - Sunday
Hours by Appointment
Late evening appointments
are available
Specific, Precise and Gentle
Specializing in:
Nutrition (Nutritional counseling with our nutritionist)
As a Chiropractor, having been in practice for over 30 years,
I've seen and helped many patients, and have utilized numerous
Chiropractic Techniques and Supportive Therapies.
I'd like to share with you my experience using the highly
researched Chiropractic Technique called
Activator Methods Technique is both a:
Many of my patients come to me with a particular spinal or health problem. They may
have received weeks, months or years of medical, chiropractic or alternative care with
varying results. Some good, some fair, some poor.
Some patients are seeking help for their problem, for the first time. Some patients are searching or looking for better results, better health, optimal health!
During the Activator Analysis portion of their Initial Exam, I will request the patient to
lay face down on the Activator Table. Actually, this Activator Table is Specialized,
allowing for the most accuracy in performing what are called "Activator Isolation Tests".
What is absolutely fascinating is that many of my new patients have received numerous
and varied therapies for their conditions with varying results. After all the years of care
from other MD's, DC's, DO's, PHT's, Acupuncturists's, etc., with all the intervention these
patients have had, even all the spinal adjustments from other Chiropractors,
suggesting the presense of one or more Spinal Subluxations (Pinched Nerves)!
They Still Have Spinal Subluxations!
What is evident, is that while many therapies are good at alleviating symptoms, even
temporarily, many do not address the Spinal Subluxation cause of the problem.
In essense, these techniques:
And The Great News Is
With Activator Methods Technique and the Adjustment Method and Isolation Tests
it provides, in most cases, the Spinal Subluxation can be monitored, reduced, stablized
or eliminated.
This Is Powerful. Why?
Because the whole premise of Chiropractic, the success with Chiropractic, deals
with the reduction or elimination of Spinal Subluxation.
The beauty of Activator is that it is objectively reproducable and effective, as shown
by 100's of research studies, clinical trials and clinical experience.
This technique is precise, non-traumatic and safe. It can be used on an adult, a
newborn child or even an osteoporotic elderly person.
In the beginning of care, a person might clincially have up to 10 or more areas to
Adjust, as indicated by the Analysis. As the course of treatment and time progresses,
and Healing and Stablization of the persons spine takes place, the number of
Spinal Adjustments required by this same individual might reduce to Two, One or NONE.
That's right, NONE!
No evidence of Subluxation is Found, using the Activator Analysis, and therefore
No Spinal Adjustment is given.
This Fact, This Ability to Find Subluxations and to Eliminate Them is both
Clinically and Objectively Significant!
Activator Analysis shows you Where, When and When Not to Adjust The
The relationship of the Spinal Subluxation (Pinched Nerves) to the occurence of
reduced spinal function, reduced spinal health and the effects on ones overall health
has been shown to be clinically significant.
Research, and the experiences of patients and Doctors of Chiropractic, through the
years, supports this fact.
I say, "Why not perform a Spinal Adjustment, in the Most Clinically Effective, Proven,
Efficient, Non-Traumatic and Safe Way. Right?"
This Is What Activator Methods Technique Offers!
Yours For Better Health,
Dr. David Suskin D.C.
Call Now at 516-946-2088 for information or an appointment.
We Help When You Hurt!